Whatever you think of President Trump’s policies, you can’t pretend that he’s presidential. His daily tweets alone are enough to condemn him in the behaviour stakes. He seems to have no appreciation whatsoever of the dignity of the office he holds.
And we all know there is much worse going on than the frequent tweet storms. Senator Bob Corker has referred to the White House as “adult day care” more than once. When asked about that by reporters, not only didn’t back away from the comment, he said all his colleagues thought the same.
And, not a single one of those fellow politicians came out and denied it. Not one.
In fact, two more senators have instead said similar things. John McCain and Jeff Flake have both made their personal disdain for the president clear to all. Senator Flake even used his farewell speech from the Senate to eviscerate the manner in which Trump does politics. (See yesterday’s political tweets.)
The important thing to note with these three men is that they are seen as men of integrity by most, and they are from Trump’s own party.
One of the worst things is the constant lies. The US public should be able to rely on their leader to tell them the truth. There will, of course, be times, when he can’t tell them things. That’s fine. But he should not lie.
And it’s not as of he’s lying about things that people could debate. He insists things that are clearly not true, are true. Things that can easily be checked. When he’s called on his lies he either blames someone else, makes excuses, or insists what he said is true.
But no matter how many times he says there were more people at his inauguration than Obama’s, the fact will not change. Obama’s crowd was bigger. He also did not win the popular vote because three million people illegally voted for Clinton. It is a lie that he would not benefit from the tax plan he proposes. His job approval numbers do not compare well with previous presidents. And, despite what he days, he did not achieve more in his first 90 days than any US president in history.
On 20 October last year, Trump said to the media that the stories women told about him sexually abusing them had “largely been debunked.” This is not true either of course. I really hope that the current change in attitude we are seeing in the US where men who have got away with bad behaviour for decades reaches him. It disgusts me that so many people voted for him within days of his boasts about groping women.
On 20 March this year he even said that the NSA and FBI told Congress that the Russians didn’t interfere in the US elections! If there are still any USians apart from Trump who believe that, they’re blind or stupid. It’s also clear that some US citizens must have helped the Russians, and likely that some of those were on Trump’s campaign.
Whether Trump himself was involved in collusion with the Russians, or knew it was happening, we don’t know yet. However, he has told multiple lies in relation to his connections to Russia. Why would he do that if he has nothing to hide?
For a full list of Trump’s proven lies since declaring himself a candidate for president, see Politifact.
Political Tweets
The news isn’t getting any better for President Trump. Perhaps he should think about pleasing the majority of his citizens instead of the minority who make up his base.
Bad day for Trump gets worse: Gallup daily tracking poll finds Trump has hit his lowest approval to date, just 33% approve. pic.twitter.com/eWOPN06nf6
— Matt McDermott (@matt mfm) October 30, 2017
Many of Trump’s mis-steps are of his own making. Often things are going fine until he sends out a stupid tweet or series or tweets, usually in the early morning or late at night. Impulse control is clearly an issue.
(Via Ann German.)
On issues big & small, substantive & superficial, DJT sacrifices credibility w/ his appalling disregard for truth & his proclivity for fury. pic.twitter.com/oRW1w2rVoJ
— Zoey, PhD (@Unreal D Trumpy) September 28, 2017
In general though, the public now has more confidence in the Democrats than the Republicans in every area.
Public has more confidence in Democrats than Republicans to handle country’s issues. pic.twitter.com/ysCOBbDKOd
— Heather’s Homilies (@Heather Hastie) November 2, 2017
Some background on the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
Who Are The Rohingya and Why Are They Fleeing? https://t.co/yaTQM5URCU via @YouTube
— Heather’s Homilies (@Heather Hastie) November 2, 2017
Human Rights Tweets
I could equally put this in the “Religious Tweets” section because we all know that it is religion that creates these sick attitudes.
WTF: This Egyptian lawyer thinks men have a ‘duty’ to rape women in ripped jeans pic.twitter.com/VbTU1gQbeN
— NowThis (@now this news) November 2, 2017
Women used the Day of the Dead celebration in Mexico to protest against the high rates of violence against women there. The attitude is part cultural, part religious.
Hundreds of women protested femicide in Mexico City — they carried photos of their murdered sisters, daughters and friends pic.twitter.com/Y5na8UU0Nw
— NowThis (@now this news) November 3, 2017
Eight different people are accusing him! Looks like he can’t blame individual disgruntlement, as so many abusers try to do.
8 current & former House of Cards employees accuse Kevin Spacey of sexual assault & creating a “toxic” work environment, @CNNMoney reports.
— AJ+ (@aj plus) November 3, 2017
I’m shocked USians have to pay at all to use National Parks. In NZ, entrance to all National Parks is free. The only charge is to stay overnight in huts or campgrounds. About 0.5% of the budget is spent on National Parks and their facilities, and it’s generally recognized an increase is required.
Veterans are speaking out against the Trump administration raising National Park admission fees pic.twitter.com/k4vFOrHNXM
— NowThis (@now this news) November 3, 2017
I’m not sure if this is going to work – there are calls for it to be deleted. It’s hilarious, but I can see that a lot of self-righteous hypocrites complaining about it.
I took a bechdel test last year, guess what? A+ pic.twitter.com/88FZI6KQ2b
— Fullscreen (@Full screen) October 26, 2017
Religion Tweets
It’s not just Iran that’s seen changes in the way women are expected to dress since conservative religious men took over.
1960s Afghanistan. pic.twitter.com/OIEbr9irOn
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 3, 2017
Healthcare Tweets
Many USians believe the myth that they have the best healthcare in the world. They actually rank last in the OECD. Even many non-OECD countries rank ahead of them. None of us in those other OECD countries would claim our systems are perfect, but the US could clearly learn a lot by examining a few of the other systems.
Why Is U.S. Health Care So Expensive? https://t.co/YMbvkwyUqv via @YouTube
— Heather’s Homilies (@Heather Hastie) November 2, 2017
The difference braces makes – time-lapse gif. Very cool!
This time-lapse of braces on teeth shows how dynamic the human mouth can be! pic.twitter.com/ltjcyWKqSe
— Science (@scien mag) November 3, 2017
Science Tweets
I hope this means that they can stop me feeling hungry. I’m on medication that leaves me feeling permanently hungry which makes weight control extremely difficult, especially as I’m unable to exercise.
Brain cells that control appetite identified for first time https://t.co/hyUd93lQLt pic.twitter.com/46SKQuPStz
— Science (@scien mag) November 3, 2017
Space Tweets
Very cool indeed!
According to these MIT researchers, a Mars colony might look a lot like ‘Bio-dome’ pic.twitter.com/5r0YBacP27
— NowThis (@now this news) November 3, 2017
Scenic Tweets
Gorgeous pic of the Taj Mahal.
The Taj Mahal at night with bright full moon, Agra, India, 1962. Photography by Eliot Elisofon. pic.twitter.com/Qjl2aHyasr
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 2, 2017
The religion attached to them is pretty awful, but mosques are beautiful buildings.
Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque. Photo by Marek Kijevský pic.twitter.com/6f4U2dmwPn
— Architecture (@arch pics) November 3, 2017
Art Tweets
We need to start writing letters again because of wax seals pic.twitter.com/ytwZOYKEz5
— Paint Mixing & Art (@Art Mixing) November 3, 2017
History Tweets
Very cool!
Chicago Car Elevator, circa 1936. pic.twitter.com/C0NYszIyki
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 3, 2017
Just what your average gun nut needs – a revolver that shoots more bullets before reloading!
48-shot revolver from 1855. pic.twitter.com/EfeFFtTVt7
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 3, 2017
Absolutely gorgeous!
2,000 year old Roman armband. pic.twitter.com/TVgAT10NsI
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 3, 2017
Washington DC’s post office in 1910.
The Old Post Office, 1910. The second tallest structure in Washington, DC. Colorized by Deborah Humphries. pic.twitter.com/6FIVWiPzIz
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 3, 2017
Marine Tweets
A couple more clips from the upcoming series Blue Planet II have been released.
Filming Hundreds Of Mobula Rays At Night – Blue Planet II Behind The Scenes https://t.co/HPqzlL3dZ6 via @YouTube
— Heather’s Homilies (@Heather Hastie) November 2, 2017
In this one, you can use your mouse to drag the picture around to see 360°.
360° Diving Under Icebergs With A Seal In Antarctica #OurBluePlanet – BB… https://t.co/zwj9z4H0af via @YouTube
— Heather’s Homilies (@Heather Hastie) November 2, 2017
Singing fish!
Female fish like males who sing https://t.co/5iC75RXTR8 pic.twitter.com/xScMoKQqtp
— Science (@scien mag) November 3, 2017
I assume these are actually freshwater fish that need to get from water hole to water hole without checking, but they can go in this section anyway.
These fish are called climbing perch, and yup, they are walking on *dry land*. pic.twitter.com/7wQNQ5EN6m
— IM????HIM (@ziya tong) November 2, 2017
Bird Tweets
Dive bomb!
— Life on Earth (@planet epics) November 3, 2017
Telling the wife to hurry up! It’s time to get to the restaurant!
this swift #parrot is inviting his girlfriend to lunch with these happy chirps – she’s incubating their 3 eggs #endangeredspecies #cute pic.twitter.com/z81OZ8DvWj
— SWIFT PARROT (@team swift parrot) November 3, 2017
Insect Tweets
The evolutionary adaption of this moth is amazing – a 30 cm (12 inch) long tongue!
(Via Ann German.)
Morgan’s sphinx is a moth that is specifically adapted to extract nectar from the comet orchid. The moth’s tongue measures an incredible 30 cm, allowing it to reach the sweet fluid at the bottom of the nectary (a nectar secreting organ that is unusually long in the comet orchid). pic.twitter.com/jby53AtcEA
— Nature Is Weird (@Naturels Weird) November 2, 2017
How would you like your tuchus to look like this? Not bad eh?
The beautiful backside of a cuckoo wasp. New public domain image by Lexi Roberts! pic.twitter.com/pZCBsA4URn
— Insects Unlocked (@Insects Unlocked) October 16, 2017
Insects always look to me like I imagine aliens would look. They’re so different from we mammals.
A stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus. New public domain image by @SantillanaAle! pic.twitter.com/ONZYTg20c9
— Insects Unlocked (@Insects Unlocked) October 18, 2017
The last thing California needs right now! (Or anytime I suppose.)
Invasive weevil threatens California’s palm trees and date industry https://t.co/DWrcvij59g pic.twitter.com/huEMFtvzRX
— Science (@scien mag) November 3, 2017
Other Animals Tweets
Cute wee hoglet exploring the autumn leaves.
Young hedgehog enjoying the autumn leaves:
With @SussexWildlife#Nature #RatedAwww
Help: https://t.co/1PQQThBPZI
–https://t.co/C3gKXRSxjj— Amy Carparelli (@Amy Amy lou 1993) November 2, 2017
This update from Slimbridge includes insects, birds, and amphibians, including a frog that is almost impossible to spot in leaf litter.
WildWatch @WWTSlimbridge November 2017: #Nature #RatedAwww
–https://t.co/lTdQOBi2gp— Amy Carparelli (@Amy Amy lou 1993) November 2, 2017
The fortnightly Cute News update. You gotta see the baby rhino practising its threat display!
Cute News 51:#Nature #RatedAwww
–https://t.co/urOXCgI1f8— Amy Carparelli (@Amy Amy lou 1993) November 2, 2017
Talking of cute!
Just so there’s no confusion.
This is a baby aardvark, and this is a baby wolf. 😉 pic.twitter.com/op9AwPPnzE— IM????HIM (@ziya tong) November 3, 2017
And what about this? Adorable!!!
This is a baby aardwolf. You’re welcome.
[photo: H van den Berg] pic.twitter.com/hPYciixV4s
— IM????HIM (@ziya tong) November 3, 2017
The look on the owl’s face!
‘We saw what you did there’ pic.twitter.com/yuh8HjNUGA
Dog Tweets
Even dogs like Blue Planet II!
Faith is so engrossed in #BluePlanet2, she allowed her favourite toy to face-plant the floor #BluePlanetPets pic.twitter.com/M7ZlNQWFax
— BBC Earth (@BBC Earth) November 3, 2017
Isn’t it sweet?!
That face when you accept you’re no longer the baby of the family pic.twitter.com/k2m4d3UjtS
Cat Tweets
I’ve never heard of Tippi Hedren, but I assume she’s a Hollywood actress who’s her generation’s equivalent of the Kardashians et al. (I wouldn’t recognize them either.) Nice lion though.
Tippi Hedren with her pet lion, 1971. pic.twitter.com/mMPc9FJqVe
— History Lovers Club (@history lvrs club) November 2, 2017
Now that’s a t-shirt!
An awesome Tshirt for cat lover.
Printed in the USA!
100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!https://t.co/PwEzU2xKmy pic.twitter.com/H5MeBDpIyA— Tshirt Store (@T shirt store Us) November 3, 2017
I’m not even sure it’s a cat!
‘Hand over the toonah and no-one gets hurt’ pic.twitter.com/NqmOwdT3sd
It wanted the toy!
Professional cat burglar caught in the act pic.twitter.com/89tNNO5fW8
The humans won’t play with me. You’re my last hope!
‘No sleep, only throw’ pic.twitter.com/D6hCevoUiY
I nearly got him!
‘I’m gonna get ya…’ *whistles nonchalantly* pic.twitter.com/mr5dIvRTGx
This could be my fate!
Where do you see yourself in 10 years? pic.twitter.com/GpE1LwRQd8
— Emergency Kittens (@Emrgency Kittens) November 2, 2017
Oh dear!
When you check to see if bae is still mad at you pic.twitter.com/VBfIofYKL6
— Emergency Kittens (@Emrgency Kittens) November 2, 2017
That’s what boxes are for!
A box for every cat, and every cat in it’s box! pic.twitter.com/veSaCe0ZTf
— Emergency Kittens (@Emrgency Kittens) November 2, 2017
Wait for it!
am I doing it right? pic.twitter.com/7RrmyqIPAw
— Emergency Kittens (@Emrgency Kittens) November 1, 2017
Poor kitteh!
what happened here pic.twitter.com/9yyYMMVqkp
— Emergency Kittens (@Emrgency Kittens) November 1, 2017
How I feel today.
big blep pic.twitter.com/76he5UehcS
— Emergency Kittens (@Emrgency Kittens) November 1, 2017
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“I could equally put this in the “Religious Tweets” section because we all know that it is relation that creates these sick attitudes.”
Heather, I think you mean “religion.”
Yes, I do! Thanks for that! I’ll have to fix it later though because I’m on a device where it’s hard to fix mistakes unfortunately.
Delightful collection.
Cheers Rick.
A bit OT but I have stopped relying on Feedly to show me your posts and have now got alerts when your posts go up so that I can read them before Just.Another.Moron. ruins them by posting his daily tranche of BS.
I don’t know how you keep your equanimity. Hope your health improves.
Haha – I get that completely. JAM is nuts.
Thanks Trevor.
Tippi Hedren was originally a model who was discovered by Alfred Hitchcock. He placed her under personal contract and starred her in two of his films – The Birds and Marnie. However he became obsessed with her, and when she rejected his advances he proceeded to destroy her career. He would not put her in any more of his own films, and because she was under contract, she could not appear in films for anyone else.
Her daughter, by the way is the Hollywood actress Melanie Griffith, who I believe has also spoken of how badly Hitchcock behaved.
Interesting. Thanks John. I’ve seen The Birds of course, but I was only a kid. I remember my mum didn’t really want me to watch it, but she relented when I argued truthfully that I never got nightmares from scary movies.
It sounds like Hitchcock would have, rightfully, been the one to suffer these days, or at least that Hedred would have been able to take legal action. I’m sorry I misjudged her.
Tippi Heddren, an actress and an animal lover. She established a refugee for lions and other big cats.
—Why are the Rohingyas fleeing?—
If the video is real – not just an essay of an anthropologic student- I know the answer: Because they are dirty and ugly people, they are not even accepted as an ethnic group! The explanation is at 2:40 of the video: “Myanmar/Burma needs to be A CLEAN AND BEAUTIFUL NATION. Not necessarily great, but unblemished, marvelous.
I refuse to imagine the possibility of such a country, but perhaps “Rohingya” is a kind of building, and they refer to their architecture.
It’s good to see that poll…USians aren’t as stupid as I thought. There are still waaay too many ignoramouses though, especially of the religious/Trump bent.
I once had a dog that was on daily prednisone for an auto-immune disorder. I couldn’t keep his weight down, and he was always hungry…poor buddy. I feel for you; so many medications have wicked side effects.
Cool insect tweets. I didn’t know California had date farms. Insects, helped by climate change, are wreaking havoc on North American forests. This devastation also fuels the increasing wild fires. (I’m sure this isn’t isolated to North America.) Climate change begets climate change it seems.
Thanks for your kind words. 🙂
I didn’t know they had date farms either, but California provides so much of the country’s food. I can’t remember what proportion it is, but I know I was shocked by how much. The problem with water there due to climate change is devastating for the whole country.
That Rogers cartoon is spot on, and is one reason why I hope Trump keeps on tweeting until he tweets himself right out of office and tweets the future of the GOP right into the ground.
Love the aardvark and aardwolf babies.
Note, they are both consumers of termites. The aardwolf is a small hyena, while the aardvark is on it’s own.
There is a third termite-eater in South Africa, the pangolin, equally adorable.
I did a whole post about pangolins ages ago. They are cool!