You may have noticed there was no Tau Kē Tēnei Wiki yesterday. I just couldn’t think of anything positive to write about. However, it’s still Sunday in some parts of the world, so I thought I’d just put up a few funnies for you to enjoy.

best teacher

You gotta wonder just what the teacher was good at.

Don't sit on fence

Don’t worry mate, no-one was going to sit on your fence.

Life before Google

Some of us remember books and libraries, but a lot of people never managed to find those.


Just rubbing it in that it’s summer here in the southern hemisphere, though I admit it’s raining today and not very warm. 🙂

Post your shit

I’ve come across quite a few people on Twitter who I think have one of these.

Preying mantis sex

And some science, to keep it erudite: preying mantis sex.

I’ve got quite a collection of things like this, so I’ll be able to revert to it again in the future when it seems like nothing good is happening the world.