I’ve been a bit slack keeping up with the wonderful work of Martin Heck of TimeStorm Films, but thanks to reader Amy Carparelli bringing it to my attention we’re not going to miss out. (The TimeStorm Films link is to their Facebook page, so it’d be great if you could express your appreciation of their work by liking the page if you’re on Facebook.)
The Dolomites are a beautiful range of mountains in north-eastern Italy:

(Source: http://www.biciveneto.it/panoramicmaps.html)
Martin Heck describes his latest piece thus:
The first video of my Dolomites timelapse series featuring the beautiful mountains of northern Italy changing over the seasons. Winter is a tough time for shooting in high alpine environments over longer periods. Both for equipment and people. Though it provides a wonderful quiet when all the people return to the valleys for the night and you are the only one left on the mountain.
And for those who understand the technical stuff:
Cameras: Sony A7RII, Sony A7s, Canon 6D
Lenses: Canon 11-24mm f4, Zeiss Milvus 35mm f2, Canon 70-200mm f4, Canon 24-105mm
Motion control: DP Stage Zero, rehoused eMotimo TB3 hardware, MDKv5 Pan/Tilt head
Tripods: Manfrotto 190CXPro3 & 190XPro3 + Ballheads
It doesn’t get much better than that. Italy is on my list, for sure.