My Picks for Top Tweets: 10 September 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 10 September 2017

In New Zealand it’s tweets about a certain rugby game that are trending on Twitter at the moment, and if you’re a rugby fan, things are looking pretty good right now. The All Blacks met the Pumas (Argentina) last night and after a hard fought match, we won...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 5 September 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 5 September 2017

I’m looking for a new name for this daily offering than “Top Tweets”. I want to reflect that there’s a current events comment here too. If any of you can think of something, let me know. I said I’d write about the North Korea crisis...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 4 September 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 4 September 2017

I should be writing about North Korea. I haven’t even included any tweets about that. Maybe tomorrow. Today I’m going into homily mode. It’ll probably piss some of you off. There’s a tweet in today’s Political Tweets section about the...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 1 September 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 1 September 2017

Australia is finally having a referendum on same-sex marriage. I haven’t got any tweets on it, but I want to mention it all the same. Polls show that a majority of Australians favour marriage equality, but getting it into law has been difficult. Since New...