My Picks for Top Tweets: 30 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 30 August 2017

Tweets of the ongoing crisis in Texas following Hurricane Harvey is still, of course, the main thing on Twitter today. The Washington Post is so far confirming sixteen deaths as a result of the storm. One is a police officer (see below). I suspect we haven’t...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 28 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 28 August 2017

The big news today of course is the storm and flooding in Texas. I find it really hard to get my head around the amount of rain that’s fallen in the area. There are place in NZ that flood quite often, and I’ve been in some biggies in my life, but nothing...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 27 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 27 August 2017

Well, rugby is trending in the Twitterverse in New Zealand for two reasons. One lot of tweets is because the All Blacks won again last night! We beat Australia 35-29, so the whole of New Zealand is in a good mood. That also means we retain the Bledisloe Cup for...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 22 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 22 August 2017

I’m listening to Trump’s address to the troops announcing “his” plan for Afghanistan as I write this. Is it normal for there to be a fanfare before the president speaks like that? If a New Zealand prime minister’s speech had something...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 22 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 21 August 2017

It’s time to stop counting the days and try and come up with a more imaginative way to start a post on best tweets. (See what I did there! 😀 ) It’s a magnificent day in my part of New Zealand! It feels like it’s been raining for weeks, which is...