My Picks for Top Tweets: 19 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 19 August 2017

Day 14 of top tweets. That’s two weeks! I’m quite proud of myself for keeping it going! All the nice comments are a great encouragement. Thank you all for your support. It means a lot to me. I’ve veered of track a little today by putting in a couple...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 19 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 17 August 2017

Day 12 of top tweets. There’s another new category today: “Other Apes”. By “Other” I mean, of course, not humans. The inaugural entry (though it’s not the first ape tweet – that was here) is a baby Hanuman Langur, which...
My Picks for Top Tweets: 19 August 2017

My Picks for Top Tweets: 14 August 2017

Day 9 of daily tweets. I can feel the habit forming! It was really hard finding good tweets today. The Twittersverse is dominated by the events in Charlottesville. Thus, there are more tweets in relation to that horrible clash. I despair for humanity when things like...