by Heather Hastie | Sep 4, 2017 | Tweets
I should be writing about North Korea. I haven’t even included any tweets about that. Maybe tomorrow. Today I’m going into homily mode. It’ll probably piss some of you off. There’s a tweet in today’s Political Tweets section about the...
by Heather Hastie | Sep 3, 2017 | Tweets
I’ve used a lot of my own tweets again today. Every few days I go through the US political cartoons, most of which are together on one Facebook page. I then post the ones I like on Twitter, which can be up to thirty at a time. So, there are a lot more than those...
by Heather Hastie | Sep 2, 2017 | Tweets
Reader Nicky asked me yesterday whether these daily tweets posts were going to be a regular thing. I haven’t decided for sure yet. I’ve kept them going for almost a month now, but there are several things to think about. On the one hand they’ve been...
by Heather Hastie | Sep 1, 2017 | Australia, Tweets
Australia is finally having a referendum on same-sex marriage. I haven’t got any tweets on it, but I want to mention it all the same. Polls show that a majority of Australians favour marriage equality, but getting it into law has been difficult. Since New...
by Heather Hastie | Aug 31, 2017 | Tweets
There are some tweets I’ve been leaving out of these posts over the last few days because I’m going to use them elsewhere. I want to mention them though. They’re tweets I was expecting, but their appearance disgusts me nevertheless. They come from...