by Heather Hastie | Dec 17, 2017 | Tweets
There’s a tweet below in the “Christmas Tweets” section that links to a YouTube video about how fast Santa goes when he’s delivering the gifts annually. (It’s pretty funny – don’t skip it.) At the start it says,...
by Heather Hastie | Dec 16, 2017 | Tweets, USA
I was Skyping with a friend in the US yesterday, and somehow we got onto the topic of people who live on the streets. He made the comment that you almost never see them in New Zealand. They are there of course. One of our biggest problems is a shortage of housing,...
by Heather Hastie | Dec 15, 2017 | Tweets, US Politics
It’s been almost a week since I did a tweets post, so you may have been wondering where I was. Mostly, I’ve been out of town at medical appointments. For obvious reasons, I don’t announce when I’m leaving town on the internet ahead of time!...
by Heather Hastie | Nov 22, 2017 | Tweets
Today’s homily was inspired by the quote below, which is from this tweet from Owen Barder. I am fed up with the way we are all being frogmarched towards driverless cars. What I really want is carless cities. I understand there are a lot of people who feel like...
by Heather Hastie | Nov 21, 2017 | Tweets, US Politics, Women
I wasn’t sure what to write for my homily today, then I switched on Fox News’s ‘The Five’. The first segment was about Hillary Clinton declaring that Bill Clinton wouldn’t have been elected originally if Fox News had been around at the...