29 Oct: Daily Homily (Catalonia) and Tweets

29 Oct: Daily Homily (Catalonia) and Tweets

There aren’t many tweets about the situation unfolding in Spain regarding Catalonia. So, I put up a few myself. I find the whole thing extremely worrying as it’s hard to see how there can be a peaceful resolution at this point. Personally, I oppose the...
27 Oct: Daily Homily and Tweets

27 Oct: Daily Homily and Tweets

One of the tweets Ann German brought to my attention today is about the judicial system in Mississippi. The situation is so outrageous that I feel I have to do more than just present the tweet. A poor, young, woman had a baby. When the baby was four months old, she...
22 Oct: Daily Homily and Tweets

22 Oct: Daily Homily and Tweets

Things are not looking good in New Zealand. We’ve finally got a government, but the only people it’s ideal for are Winston Peters and his voters. The weather is gloomy after several days of lovely sunshine. And, worst of all, the All Blacks LOST! There...